Safer and more reliable water supply for Darwin a step closer
A safer, more reliable and more sustainable water supply in the Darwin region is a step closer with the completion of the Adelaide River Off-stream Water Storage (AROWS) detailed business case.
The detailed business case investigated the 2 short-listed options identified in the preliminary assessment to meet the Darwin region’s future water supply requirements.
This included assessing market demand and infrastructure needs for the project to best support water security and economic development in the Darwin region.
After a comprehensive assessment, Manton Dam Return to Service (RTS) and AROWS were identified as the recommended infrastructure solutions, to be developed in 2 stages:
- stage 1: Manton Dam Return to Service - short-term water supply with a development timeframe of 3 to 4 years, and
- stage 2: AROWS - long-term water supply, with a development timeframe of 7 to 10 years.
Projects such as AROWS play an important role in ensuring water security for the Darwin region, it will also drive economic development in the Territory and create local jobs. The business case has provided detailed information needed to help support future water infrastructure investment in the region.
The Northern Territory Government has accepted the findings in the report and will continue to work closely with the Australian Government and the Northern Territory’s Power and Water Corporation to realise the opportunities that additional water supply can deliver.
Power and Water Corporation had identified AROWS as the preferred water source in its Darwin region water supply strategy and has already undertaken significant preliminary work to inform the design and delivery of the project.
The Territory Government is working with Power and Water to progress project development for both projects.
For Manton Dam RTS, this includes detailed design of the infrastructure components, further stakeholder engagement, and assessment of the environmental and social impacts of the project.
For AROWS, this includes commencement of a range of activities that will support development of the project. These include a water allocation plan for the Adelaide River catchment, an environment impact assessment, stakeholder engagement and community consultation, and concept design of the infrastructure components.
The Australian Government provided $2 million to fully fund the AROWS detailed business case under the $3.5 billion National Water Grid Fund, which is improving Australia’s water security while creating jobs and boosting economic activity.
Read more information on the detailed business case.
For more information on the Australian Government’s investments under the National Water Grid Fund, go to the Australian Government’s National Water Grid Authority website.