Adelaide River Water Plan
A water allocation plan is being developed for the Adelaide River catchment. The work being undertaken on the water plan is jointly funded by the Australian Government ($7.1 million) through the National Water Grid and the Northern Territory Government ($750,000).
A water plan shares water between water users and sets the water-sharing rules for the region. Water plans are applied in areas where there are more complex opportunities and risks to a water resource. The plan will be informed by science and the local community. The water plan puts water for the environment first, ensuring we can continue to enjoy our Territory lifestyle. The community is being involved in planning though a water advisory committee.
The Department of Lands, Planning and Environment has been monitoring Adelaide River catchment flows since 1952. The Northern Land Council (NLC) has been engaged to identify the Aboriginal cultural values to be protected by the water allocation plan. While the water plan is a whole of catchment strategy, the plan will also inform the potential water availability for the AROWS project.
The water plan will keep the river flowing.
Adelaide River water monitoring undertaken by the Department
To be kept informed about the plan, including the public comment period, please email to be added to the mail-out list.
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